Instructors Wanted

We're Always Looking for Great Instructors!
Thank you for your interest in teaching for White Lake Area Community Education. Our goal for enrichment is to provide quality lifelong learning that is responsive, relevant and accessible to the communities we service. Our classes are generated from the philosophy that learning is life long and rewarding and occurs in a relaxed supportive environment.
Although our compensation is competitive with other Community Education programs around the the state, it must be noted that WLACE cannot be responsible as your primary employment.
WLACE is seeking qualified instructors with expertise in a full range of topic areas. Specifically, we look for:
- Expert-level knowledge in topics of interest to the general public
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- Topics that involve hands-on or interactive learning
Please review the following guidelines before submitting a course proposal:
- Review our current schedule to see if your proposed class is already being offered.
- Are you considering teaching for another CE in Muskegon County? Competing against yourself can lead to low enrollment resulting in cancelled classes and disappointed students.
- Workshops cannot be designed to sell or recommend products from your business or promote your consulting services.
- Enrichment strives to be a self-supporting department within WLACE. The price we charge for your class covers your salary as well as expenses related to Enrichment
Please call Melissa Raiche at 231-893-0515 or email with any questions.